Month: November 2016

Christmas Commissions

It’s a sad day. Halloween is over. My Cryptober plan was a success, despite needing to catch up on it every few days.

But now I have nothing to paint! I mean  I have ideas – I always have ideas – but I’d rather do some stuff for you guys. I’ve sold a few Cryptober pieces already and the others are still for sale (framed page paintings are £30 each, ask about the availability of them and be aware I’m always happy to replicate some of them!)

Now comes the time of year when I anticipate getting pretty busy with commission pieces. At least I hope I’m going to be busy. That’s kind of the point of this post, to let you know what items or time I’ve got available to allow you to plan stuff accordingly. Especially if you’re in a position where you may have to pay for items in stages (more on that in a minute).

So firstly I should mention my prices. Smaller framed page paintings are £30 each, £40 if I’m using the Satanic Bible. I’ve briefly mentioned my plans for the Satanic Sex chapter on Twitter, but if you haven’t seen then ask me about it! There are only five pages available for that chapter so please be mindful that they may sell out very quickly.

Larger ones (such as the existing bat pieces I did for Cryptober, on three pages) are £80 framed. The Cryptober pieces are only £60 because I already had the frames around and don’t really like that they aren’t black.

A4 woodburn pieces START FROM £100. I may have to charge more depending on the design. Keep in mind a piece this size can take a couple of days to complete. Smaller pieces will be priced individually when you enquire, the same goes for other paintings and small pieces.
As for payments, I mentioned earlier about doing it in stages. As well as taking payments via PayPal or bank transfers (and through either of my stores) I’m also more than happy to take payments split into smaller amounts to make things more manageable for you. My general terms and conditions are that I don’t send out finished items until I’ve received the full payment, and if an item is over £50 I do request an initial deposit of at least half the price quoted before I get started.

If you have any questions please get in touch with me through Twitter or Instagram (my username is robcryptx everywhere but I rarely use Facebook for work stuff).

I’m always happy to work to your budgets and ideas so just let me know how I can help!